Videeko Vanilla Receives Certification For Social Accountability And Fair Trade

Videeko Vanilla ZP, an industry leading supplier of premium organic Madagascar Vanilla Beans and Vanilla Powder is pleased to announce it has achieved a major milestone in strengthening its social responsibility and Fair Trade strategy and company-wide commitment to building a more socially accountable future. Videeko has recently been awarded the SA8000 certification, representing its commitment to social accountability and implementation of best practices in its organic Madagascar vanilla bean warehouses.
Videeko Vanilla ZP SA8000 certification is among the recent initiatives that further solidify Videeko’s commitment to social responsibility in the Madagascar Vanilla Bean industry.
The SA8000 standard is the leading social certification standard for factories and organizations across the world. SA8000 was established by Social Accountability International as an initiative to help certified organizations demonstrate their dedication to the fair treatment of workers across industries and in any country. Appreciated by brands and industry leaders for its rigorous approach to ensuring the highest quality of social compliance in their supply chains, without sacrificing business interests.
SA8000 social accountability certification provides a reliable, credible assurance that you maintain a humane working environment, continuously addressing and preventing social and labor risks.
SA8000 measures social performance in nine areas important to the social accountability in workplaces. The nine areas are No Child Labor, No Forced or Compulsory Labor, Health and Safety, Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining, No Discrimination, No Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours, Rights Remuneration and Management System. Read more information on SA8000 from the official website.
As part of its overall social accountability strategy, Videeko Vanilla ZP continues to deliver premium organic Madagascar Vanilla Beans and Vanilla Powder by conducting business in a way that is fair and decent for workers and to demonstrate their adherence to the highest social standards.
Videeko Vanilla ZP
Specializing in Farming, Curing, Handling, and Exporting of premium organic Madagascar vanilla beans using sustainable, traceable, fair trade, farming agricultural practices that help protect the unique rainforest biodiversity in and around the Mananara region while supporting fair wages for our farmers. Videeko’s mission is to offer our customers incredible product quality, pricing, and customer service.